audrey tautou is the main reason why i forced myself to see anne fontaine’s coco before chanel (coco avant chanel). there is something about this french woman that mesmerizes me. i knew i was charmed the first time i saw her playing amelie poulain from her 2001 movie amelie.
the film is decent enough to catch your attention. thanks to audrey tautou’s rapid shift of facial reactions from being blank to mysterious to sad to mystified to ecstatic to sad and then back to being blank again. it must be her dark marble eyes. yes, it must be those expressive eyes that caught me and entices me to hang on and to watch more, for there are still more to learn about the life of this influential french designer that she is portraying.
the theme of this take from miss gabrielle bonheur "coco" chanel’s life is inspiring enough to remind you to keep running and never give up the chase until you catch your dreams. in the movie, coco was first shown as an orphan rising as a bar singer, then as a dame working her ways up to the social ladder to her tailoring and making hats for the affluent people. she knows how to make connections and she knows how to compromise her immediate needs for her grander goals. the movie shows how she channeled her frustrations, anger, sorrow, and emotions to her favor.
watching the film only piqued my interest to the more interesting aspects of the life of miss gabrielle bonheur "coco" chanel. i know there is more so i plan to say hello to books and other reading materials.
love is a minor, but often distracting, subject of the movie. it is shown only as a hindrance that clouds the mind as well as the heart. gabrielle bonheur "coco" chanel married nobody.
she is one goddamn hardworker who died on the day that she never liked- sunday, the day of rest.
coco chanel image from wikipedia
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