
wear peliCan, help the gulf restoration

here's how you can help some the people and organizations doing their restoration project of the deepwater horizon oil spill:

peliCAN, a Gulf Coast relief tee
by Frederik Wepener and Ross Zietz
A couple weeks ago, we reached out to our own art director (and Baton Rouge native), Ross Zietz, to collaborate on "PeliCAN" along with Threadless member Frederek Wepener. All proceeds from the sale of "PeliCAN" will be donated to Gulf Restoration Network. The ink was graciously donated by Sharprint and both designers donated their payment as well.
Ross Zietz: "Hearing the sadness in the voices from all my friends and family back home plus seeing all the depressing but very real images on the news and web, I just really wanted to do something about this nasty disaster."
Frederik Wepener: "Having spent my summers [on the coast of South Africa] as a boy, I can only imagine how I would feel if something similar struck the place I hold so dear." 

buy the shirt here

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