
charice pempengco as the international pop icon

But Charice in fact outdoes all those images of the Filipino that we don’t mind claiming. She outdoes them, because she has outdone us, an audience that thinks itself intelligent, but fails at taking stock of what’s here and now, and apparently in the future, which can only be a life of international stardom for this little girl who could. Now, anything less than an appreciation of Charice’s achievements and talent, regardless of her English and outfits, just sounds like crab mentality. And that is our problem, educated as we come.
-from katrina stuart santiago of

here's charice on glee's season 2 premiere:


Momel said...

Of course I'm all in for anything and everything that endorses our third world kind, but what makes it funny, to a fault, is when she agreed to switch teams, from the New Directions to Vocal Adrenaline, for a condo and a green card. You did watch the premiere of Season 2, right?

Apir, Bulits!

bulitas said...

apir momel!

yep. and that scene was kinda weird because things don't actually work that way. haha. unless sunshine's character has been established as someone with extraordinary talent as a performer in the us or if that new coach for vocal adrenalize do possess all the powers of immigration laws, only then can they give someone a greencard.

tis a bit off tangent to reality methinks.

Bullfrog said...

It was fitting that she sang "Listen" in the premier episode of Glee Season 2. People in the Philippines (pre-Opera appearances) seemed to shrug her off. But look at her now, way up above the overrated performers in local television.

Unknown said...

nothing matters to me more than her voice. will you just LISTEN. close your eyes if you like, it's too good, the phrasing so uncontrived, the vibrato too pure and natural like an opera singer. and the charisma is too strong. she is a natural, i tell ya. she rocks like Ella does for me. (Ella as in Ella Fitzgerald)

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