dear ramiele,
although you murdered one of my favorite songs tonight (alone sung by heart), i still like you. for one, i find you adorable, plus, you have the voice of a popstar. by merely making it to the top ten, you have made filipinos around the globe proud. thank you.
lately, your performances are so so and could have been below the mediocre line and got you booted out but thanks to the thousands of people who voted for you who have high hopes that you can still pull yourself together and deliver a spectacular performance.
you have to remember that the show is not all about voice. it is given, most of you, who remained in the show have your own unique and great vocal prowess. what you guys compete against each other is your song delivery, your overall performance; how you carry yourself in the stage, how you owned the song, how you move the audience, how you inspire people, how you make the listeners fall in love with your song).
in order to convince the audience with your performance, you have to first believe in yourself. you can feign your lack of confidence with your smiles, but you can never cover it with your voice. ramiele, for chrissakes, feel your songs, own it, and nail it!
never let yourself be distracted by external forces. don’t get mesmerized by the glitz and glamour of hollywood, it’s all deceiving. just do your thing, sing not just to impress the judges, but to ouch the hearts of your audience. treat each performance as your make or break performance. perform as if it’s your grand concert. own the stage, be one with the music, give life and soul to the song you sing.
remember that you join that competition to win, not just to impress a few people. keep your senses plugged from your detractors. focus.sing with dedication, sing with a heart. feel the song, that’s your key to success.
i am rooting for your success. i know you can make it if you want to.
remain humble and cease to compare yourself from others too much. you are unique and wonderful in your own way. maximize what you have.
all the best to you.
god bless
the following are the seemingly racy pictures of ramiele malubay that spreading from the world wide web

that's hot
binoboto mo rin ba siya...?
argh! omg i hate er! i use to like her but not anymore.
waaaah haha i saw that pictures in her facebook account which has been deleted na.
but owkey...i still want her to win.labo.
I like the pics of that sweet girl who can be naughty and fun. I think there's nothing wrong with that.
I think she should start singing better, her performances for the past few weeks were disappointing. Hope she does well.
Controversial photos or no controversial photos, she's not gonna win anyway. My bet goes to the two remaining Davids. :-)
sorry, i just have to say this...I DON'T LIKE HER. I don't hate her, i just don't like her.there's something wrong with her attitude.but she has one of the best voices in the competition.since AI is a popularity contest, she has a good chance to win.
Parang type mo sya at na delusion ka sa mga picture..picture lng yun ginagawa ng lahat yun, you cannot judge anyone dahil sa picture lng unless you really like her, unfortunately for you..hindi mo sya kilala ng personal wakokokoko
@ sapmo:
i know what ia m saying and i am totally put of the state of delusion. if you should have read the whole blog entry you could have got out of the delusion that you were saying.
yeah, i did like her, that's why i posted this entry.
at ikaw, kilala mo ba siya ng personal? haha.
i love how everyone talks in tagalog. haha
i knew she's an asia's bitch since i saw her on american idol 7. I never like her at all..
In fact,,she is,,isn't she..
Yaiks,,she's the nastiest person i've ever seen..
Danny Noriega,,stay away from her..,please.
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