education involves not only book learning but also practical learning.
training then is tantamount to constant practice of abilities, skills and crafts. nurturing and understanding the students must go hand in hand.
nurture ensures that the students enjoy the privileges of education.
nurture means providing the students with enough facilities and technology to enhance learning.
nurture also entails understanding the social, psycho-physiological and cultural background of the students.
in the philippines, although schools tend to be repressive at certain points (i.e. freedom of speech, freedom of beliefs, repressive policies, etc.), i can proudly say that we fulfill all other requirements of the school being a social institution except one, and that is nurture.
lack of nurture in our schools is forgivable though. the government’s lack of budget allocation for education, which further leads us to lack of technology, contributes much to the scarce nurture in our schools.
but despite the lack of support from the government, schools in the country managed to ensure quality education and training. our schools have produced thousands of quality graduates in various fields of expertise.
it was disappointing how the staff of a canadian school discriminated a filipino child because of eating with a spoon and fork.
imagine ostracizing a child for not conforming with the fork-only-eating habit of most canadian students. how narrow-minded can that social institution be? that Ccanadian school may be miles ahead of us in terms of technology and facilities, but they lack the most essential feature that a school should have, and that is understanding.
the child was reported to have experienced trauma due to exclusion from the school. to make the scenario worse, the child was even considered uncivilized by the staff and officials of that particular canadian school.
here’s the catch, despite the lack of nurture, philippine schools never discriminate students that way, especially foreign students.
just consider philippine schools’ treatment with foreign students. foreign students are given equal opportunities with other local students, simply because they are all students.
i am proud that we value r-e-s-p-e-c-t in our schools.
shame on that canadian school.
eat all your forks!
fork you!
thanks to momel for the link to the article.
hmm... not only that they lack understanding but also respect. they should realize the importance of valuing other culture...
the deterioration of our schooling system is not forgivable though... its not just the repression, but the missing profeciency of the schools it self...
its quite sad that most of the time we tend to overrate these foreigners just because they are foreigners... we are all humans in that same aspect what they can do we do or even surpass...
damn that canadian school... how can they even say that it is a learning institution when they dont practice what kindergartens already know; respect...
Do you have a link for this article, maybe the name of the Canadian school? I'll still google this, pero any info will be helpful. Thanks!
oh, thanks, not to flood pero I got the link
Ive read that article in the dailies and I was shocked how that Canadian school became an academic institution in the first place....better be known as School of Racists!!
I've seen that on the news. I was like, "I thought canada embraced diversity?"
Anyway, I like your photos. You like taking pictures din pala. And thanks sa pag bati.
I agree with you! Fork them! This story was really disturbing...
Oh man... i have read the article... and man that was disturbing. I found out that it was a school in Quebec (correct me if I am wrong). I really hate that principal calling the kid "uncivilized" or that the boy "eats like a pig". Its so insulting to hear him say these words. I dont like some of them french canadians, f*ckin know it all.Theres a french school close by where we lived before and it was right in front of my sis' school. And Canada does acknowledge diversity its just theres those people who thinks theyre better than others. You cant really have a country without haters and racists.
sira yung tagboard kaya dito na lang.
yung graphic text na script, yung output nun ay hindi isang picture kundi purong html code. tignan mo yung source para makita. kaya hindi mo siya masesave as picture dahil text lang yun. iniba-iba lang yung kulay nung mga letra via color sa style property.
trivial nga siya. ikaw lang ata ang nagtry gumamit nun e, hehe. salamat!
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